The forgotten children
Other title(s): הילדים שנשכחו
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1945
Runtime: 00:16:22
Description: Displaced children in post-war Europe are eventually brought to Palestine. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
Not only in contrast to an untroubled childhood in America but even in comparison to most children in postwar Europe, Jewish orphans who survived Nazi persecution are introduced as the "forgotten children". Jews are still resented in Europe and cannot take part in the reconstruction of the continent – their only hope for a better future and home is in Palestine. (Source: VICTOR-E project)
50 Children skiing / 57 Children blowing bubbles / 64 Scenes of very young children having their hair done / 81 Children on float in USA / 88 Children in post-war Europe / 128 Refugees walking in Europe and in camps / 155 Return in ? (unidentifiable flag) / 172 People rebuilding Europe and returning to their homes / 200 Supplies and food distributed in liberated Europe / 226 Relatives of concentration camp victims check dead bodies / 261 Camp survivors on road unable to return home because of pogrom, funeral of victims of Kielce pogrom / 320 Jewish displaced persons camp, scenes of children / 407 Older children studying, learning about Palestine / 423 Jerusalem / 428 Grove & corn fields / 447 British soldiers in Palestine / 460 Immigrants being deported by British / 486 Scenes of Palestine / 491 Detention camps in Cyprus / 508 More immigrant ships arriving / 518 Immigrant children waiting to go to, and in, Palestine, CU's "the forgotten children" / 609 ends
Keywords: VICTOR-E project / war destruction / orphanage / school / youth / children / family / displaced person / survivor / victim (of persecution) / ship / boat / famine / children's game / liberation / camp / ruins / concentration camp / religion / christianity / zionism
Provider: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
Rights: In Copyright / Please contact the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archives for further information
Production company: Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America
Colour: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Collection: Holocaust and World War II
Language: en